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Lesson Frequency

Lessons generally occur once a week at our home studio. You will be assigned different things to practice throughout the week and should be able to pass off your assignments at each lesson.


Lesson Materials

You are generally responsible to purchase your own lesson materials. Your teacher will tell you what you need to purchase.


Group Lessons

Every other month, students will enjoy a group lesson held with other students in the studio who are at similar levels and similar ages. In these group settings, students will play games to reinforce musical concepts and practice performing in front of their peers. Group classes are so fun and create a wonderful camaraderie in the studio.



Recitals will be held periodically, usually twice a year. Mini, more optional recitals, will occur every few months. You will work with your teacher to determine which pieces you would like to perform. Family, friends, neighbors and even strangers are welcome to attend recitals! 


Festivals & Competitions

Every spring, students are encouraged to participate in festivals or competitions. These are a great opportunity to receive feedback from experienced musicians other than the student's teachers. Depending on the student's performance, awards and certificates can be earned.


Have Fun!

Learning instruments are not all hard work; we expect you to enjoy your musical education!



An invoice will be sent monthly at the beginning of the month. The invoice will show billing for the upcoming lessons for the month. For example, the invoice for January will show lessons for January. Payments will be forward-looking.


How to Pay

Music lessons at Freeport Music Studio must be paid for through the website. This can be accessed through the student portal or by clicking the link in the invoice that will be emailed to you monthly. You may set up the account for automatic payments.


Payment Due Date

Payments are due on the 5th of each month. Late payments will incur a fee.


What if I miss a music lesson? Will I be reimbursed?

You will not be reimbursed for an unexcused, unattended music lesson unless in the case of an emergency ("I forgot I had soccer practice" does not qualify as an emergency).


We do not offer makeup lessons or rescheduling unless there was a previous cancellation in the studio. Please let your teacher know if you need to miss a lesson and they will work it out with you.


Practicing is an important part of learning an instrument. The minimum expectation would be 30 minutes for 5 days/week. Of course, we cannot make the student practice, but it has a critical impact to their progression.


Students are asked to log their practice time on the student portal. 


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